Synchronicity in London
Synchronicity has been somewhat absent on this trip until now. However, when it came, it was surprising and very intense. Meagan, a Vancouver friend who I am staying with in London, had forgotten her glasses, so I sat in a London black cab waiting while she retrieved them from the apartment where we have been staying.
I was thinking about 33 Belgrave Sq., which for years had been the headquarters for the Spiritualist Society of Great Britain, and which I intended to visit later in the day. Out of the blue, the cab driver began to speak.
He began to tell me about his uncanny ability to know things which had not happened yet.
It was a bit of a shock, since it seemed as if, while I had been sitting quietly, thinking about psychic things he had been tuning into my thoughts.
I asked him if he had ever been to 33 Belgrave Sq. for a reading. Not to my surprise, he replied that he had, and, more than once. He also informed me, that the society had moved to another location.
This was quite a surprise, as I had been visiting 33 Belgrave Sq. since my first visit to London more than 20 years ago.
As the day evolved I had no time to search out the new location of the Spiritualist Society of Great Britain, but the psychic taxidriver, who during our trip regaled us with many others psychic feats he had performed, had saved me from and unfruitful journey.
I haven't found the new location yet, but intend to, when I return from my great adventure in Germany.