Your numerology cycles November 1–15

This November has a different energy than most Novembers. Still, it is a time when home and security are important. It is darker earlier now, and this may put more of a strain on anyone of us who are finding this pandemic difficult.

It’s important to reach out, wherever we can, to help those around us to deal with this unprecedented event.

From a numerological perspective, November is interesting because it moves us all closer to our next cycle year.

Cycles are not tsunamis. The next cycle year arrives a little like the tide coming in.

2021 laps at our toes in November. You may find, regardless of the cycle you’re in in 2020, that you begin to feel a change of mood or changing direction. This is the energy of the next cycle year 2021, beginning to make itself felt.

Don’t let the new cycle year overtake you without your awareness of what is happening.

A change of mind always comes with the change of the cycle year.

Remember to calculate your key number.


Key Number 1

Plan to spend some time alone.

Though of course you can’t totally cut yourself off from the world, under this cycle month’s energy, you may find it a little easier to deal with being alone.

Regardless of your life path or whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, this cycle month’s energy  gives you an opportunity to spend time thinking, contemplating and reflecting.

This cycle month is not a time to expand or make changes in your business or career life. It’s also not a time to take on solving emotional problems through conversation. You may be misunderstood if you try.

Now you turn within and become better acquainted with your own inner life.

Spend some time contemplating your past accomplishments and future goals. Give yourself credit where credit is due. If you are not happy with what you have accomplished, this may be a time to work out a strategy for fulfilling your goals and desires in the future.

Once this is done: of all of the cycle months, this is one in which journaling or seeing a counsellor—or maybe just talking things over with a good friend—can be most beneficial.

In addition to all this inner work, this is a wonderful cycle for spending time in nature. Go for a walk, hug a tree or spend time communicating with a pet.

You may feel a little less energetic than you usually do. Know that this is nature’s way of slowing you down to give you time to look within.


Key Number 2

Be ready to move forward.

This is a time to put it all on the table. This cycle month’s energy is designed for success.

it is a cycle month when karma is very much at work.

What you have created in the last few months in the way of ambition and positive steps forward is most likely to pay off in this month.

In this cycle month’s energy, it’s important to look at what you have been planting and doing. Ongoing ventures should be pushed forward.

Don’t be mousy! Take on the energy of the elephant. Even if you’re not quite there emotionally, this is the time to gather all your strength and push forward.

You may find yourself feeling a little different than you have felt in the last couple of months. There are forces at work that can cause this.

You are on the threshold of the next cycle year. So, it can be a bit confusing. This energy is good energy. Make the most of it.

A heads up: you may be a bit more assertive than usual. This is a good thing when it relates to your confidence. It’s not such a good thing if you do not consider the feelings of others.


Key Number 3

Tie up loose ends.

In this cycle month, you are advised to review the past with the intention of clearing space for a new future.

Look carefully at what is worthy of work and development, and where you are just spinning your wheels without making progress.

It takes courage to look at your life with a view to making space for new realities.

This cycle month—and there is no escaping it—is a time for significant endings and transitions. Not a time to push forward with new ideas, but definitely a time to take a ruthlessly honest look at where you are in your life and where you want to be in the future.

You may feel a little lost. This is a confusing month. But you may also be comforted by the possibilities opening for you. Carry forward only those important projects which have real possibilities for you.

This is also true for relationships. Be prepared for drama and emotion. It’s unlikely that you will get through this month without some unexpected emotional confusion, but you can handle it.


Key Number 4

Starting over.

This cycle energy is optimistic.

This cycle month’s energy has all the attributes of a new start and is happening at the end—almost—of the year.

It’s important to know that this kind of energy doesn’t come often.

So, even though the year’s energy is waning, this cycle month’s energy gives you an opportunity to put new ideas and new projects into motion.

And, usually you will have enough enthusiasm to be creative and even begin to think about what you will create in your life in 2021.

It’s a bit like a jumpstart of your next cycle year.

Think about where you want to be in the next year and begin to plant new seeds you want to develop as you move forward into this next chapter of your life.

You will probably feel a bit more energetic and assertive.

In your career life, be ready to take the plunge when exciting new opportunities present themselves.


Key Number 5

Things may move slowly.

During this cycle month’s energy, it may seem as it nothing is happening.

In many areas of your life, it will be a time of quiet waiting. Don’t be aggressive: try to cultivate patience in all areas of your life.

Emotionally, it’s important to stay on an even keel. If you are patient and put up with delays, you are more likely to achieve your long-term goals.

Just let as much time as it takes for things to come to you—it’s better not to make any drastic changes or unusual revisions in the direction your following.

Take care of details in all aspects of life.

This is a cycle month’s energy when it’s better not to call attention to yourself or your ideas. This is ironic because it is a communicative kind of energy.

Being chatty socially (when you’re being helpful) can be a very good thing under this cycle month’s energy, as long as it’s done quietly.

Put some energy into thinking about what you were thinking about creating and planting last month, and add the finishing touches to anything you were working on.

Don’t push. Wait for things to develop.


Key Number 6

A particularly interesting cycle month.

This cycle month’s energy is a bit lighter than the last few months. It’s hard to imagine how this will manifest in this strange time, but one of the benefits of isolation is the opportunity to express creativity in the absence of much else to do.

It’s a time to expand and develop your talents. Whether they be creating a new company or a new recipe, there is no excuse for avoiding your imaginative talents at this time.

Try to think of ways of dealing with the restrictions now present in our lives. An optimistic environment is easier to live in. If you are not interacting with friends and family virtually, this may be a time to give it a try.


Key Number 7

A time to buckle down.

This cycle month’s energy is about completing all your work as it occurs. You can’t get away with anything, so best to be attentive and careful.

Be as orderly as you can. Make your bed in the morning, put money in parking metres, call your relatives.

It’s not a bad time for your career life, as long as you show up on time – perhaps to a Zoom meeting – but be sure to come well prepared.

This may sound a bit uncomfortable for some people, but you may be surprised at the deep feelings of satisfaction which arise when you actually do everything as perfectly as you possibly can.

Take care of organizational and management duties if you are in those feels and don’t try to shirk any obligations or put in less effort than required. Carmen will come and bite you.


Key Number 8

Expand your horizons.

This is a time when it is important to expand your horizons mentally.

You can be adventurous and curious about anything you may have wondered about in the past.

At the same time, you need to think about safety. This is not the most disciplined cycle energy, so it may be hard to stay within the rules. However, if ever there was a time when you may slip up, forget your mask, or be tempted to attend a larger gathering, you are more likely to suffer consequences.

This is an accident-prone energy. Mostly because people under this cycle month’s energy tend to react impulsively. So, no matter how bored you are, or how tempting an invitation might be, best to be safe.


Key Number 9

Stay cozy.

This cycle month’s energy is a time to concentrate on your home, as well as the duties and obligations you have to your family and close friends.

Your happiness is very much related to your willingness to give of yourself.

If you’re willing to put your own desires aside and concentrate on being there for others, you will probably find unexpected satisfaction in your life under this cycle month’s energy.

Even if you’re not usually a homebody, under this cycle month’s energy you are more likely to be comfortable in your own nest.

Try to respect the feelings of others.

If you are able to put the needs of others ahead of your own in an unselfish way, you are more likely to reap positive karma in the future.

This is a cycle month in which your relationships with people on all levels is likely to be the primary consideration. You will feel acutely sensitive, so be sure you don’t bring criticism of those close to you to the forefront.

There will be a necessity for you to be diplomatic in your close emotional relationships.