Cassandra Macleane One on One With Jill Bennett on CKNW
In this interview which aired in November 2012 , CKNW's Jill Bennett and Cassandra talk about how and why she (Cassandra ) became a psychic numerologist.
Who actually comes to see a psychic numerologist? How does she feel about skeptics? And, what kind of questions do people ask in the course of a reading.
Cassandra also talks about her ongoing and passionate interest in numerology and numerology cycles, and a little about the origin of present-day numerology.
Cassandra spent 6 years of her life writing and developing Cassandra's Secret Cycle Guide. She talks about that, as well as her commitment to being a lifelong learner.
or Listen on Youtube: Cassandra Macleane One on One With Jill Bennett - CKNW