
Your numerology cycles May 16–31





This month, I'm starting a new way of doing my numerology blog. I’m hoping to make it shorter and more accessible. Just remember the key number is the key to understanding your personal cycle for this month.

cycles, Life Paths, Monthly blog, numerology, Numerology, Cycles

Your numerology cycles May 1–15

numerology, cycles, horoscope



This is a new way of doing my numerology blog. I’m hoping to make it shorter and more accessible. Just remember the key number is the key to understanding your personal cycle for this month.

cycles, Life Paths, Monthly blog, numerology, Numerology, Cycles

Numerology for the Newlyweds: Jennifer and Justin

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux

Numerologically speaking, Jennifer Aniston has leapt into a whole new number vibration by choosing Justin Theroux as partner and, now, husband.

Jennifer was born February 11, 1969. This gives her a 2 life path, under the influence of the master number 11. Justin was born August 10, 1971. This gives him a 9 life path, with a determined 1 modifier.

In the past, Jennifer has not ventured into relationships with such a strong person. Her most famous and complex relationship was with first-husband Brad Pitt—a 4 life path. There was Ben Affleck, who is a 6 life path; John Mayer, a 5 life path; Tate Donovan, an 8 life path; and Adam Duritz, an 11 life path.

Jennifer has not repeated a particular life path number in her men, which is interesting, since we nearly all gravitate towards one type of life path energy in our partners. Even when we

jennifer aniston and justin theroux, Life Paths, marriage, numerology, Numerology, Celebrities, Relationships

Five sleeps to London.


My friend Meagan and I are behaving a little like two children with just 5 sleeps to Disneyland. Only in this case it's London.

For someone who works in the psychic field,( me, not Meagan) London is a little like Disneyland. Haunted houses, Spiritualist churches and some of the most experienced and talented mediums in the world. Not to mention the amazing occult bookstores and haunted history.

cassandra macleane, london, numerology, Writing, Thoughts & Dreams, Current Events
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