Your numerology cycles May 1–15

numerology, cycles, horoscope



This is a new way of doing my numerology blog. I’m hoping to make it shorter and more accessible. Just remember the key number is the key to understanding your personal cycle for this month.

It’s not the same as your life path number, which comes from taking the month the day and the year of birth adding them all together and reducing them to one number. For the sake of this blog, we are just going to look at the influences of this cycle month for you personally. For that, you need to know your own personal KEY.

I know it’s not like looking up your horoscope, which in most cases is your sun sign. It takes a little bit more effort, but I hope, for you it will be worth it. Besides, though numerology is not as sophisticated as astrology, once you get the hang of it, it is easier to calculate and, I think, can give more personal pertinent information more easily.

Using numerology gives you superpowers. It can help you to understand the people around you by looking at their life path numbers and modifiers, like knowing someone’s astrological sign, but knowing where someone is in their cycle can also give helpful of information about why someone is feeling or behaving the way they are under their present cycle influence.

Knowing someone’s life path and where they are in their cycle can help you understand where your friends, family, and in some cases even employees or employers are emotionally.

So, remember that you have to work out your KEY NUMBER by adding the month and day of your birth together—example—say your birthday is August 25. August is the eighth month, so 8 + the 25th day is 7. When these two are added together you have 8 + 2 + 5 =  6. So in this case the KEY NUMBER for this person is 6, always and forever—at least until the next incarnation.

Take that 6 and add it to the universal year (the year the whole planet is experiencing) which this year is 4. 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 equals 4.

Okay—here is the first one!



Key Number 1

Regardless of what is happening in our crazy world at the moment, this is a very important cycle month for you because it’s about starting to look at things differently and newly (not sure that’s a word).

I know we are all having to adjust to new ways of thinking, but you are better equipped under this cycle month’s energy to do it effectively and optimistically.

The beginning of new attitudes and outlook in your life will naturally appear.

Don’t fight it!


Key Number 2

(Remember to calculate your own personal KEY.)

Softly, softly, is the way to move through this cycle month. This is a time of great sensitivity for everyone, but more especially for you in this energy, which is very feminine and nurturing but also easily wounded.

This is definitely not the worst time to be isolated.

If we were not in such an unprecedented circumstance, you would still need to protect yourself because of your own enhanced sensitivity. It’s the nature of this cycle month’s energy.


Key Number 3

Don’t forget to calculate your key number.

You may feel quite restless. Yes, I know everyone is feeling restless, but this cycle month’s energy for you may be particularly difficult if you are not resourceful.

This is the energy of creativity and communication, so creating—whether it is cooking, painting a masterpiece or creating a new app—should take your attention.

If you like yourself and your willing to experiment with your creativity, you will find this a full and exciting cycle month energy.

If you’re not about creating with your hands, you might think about creating a new friendship or relationship online.


Key Number 4

Don’t forget to work out your key number.

Expect to be tested. I know, I know—we are all being tested, and the world is in a test cycle tests come year. So you are in harmony with the universe.

Tests come to see how strong we are.

I think in Canada, for the most part, we are doing the test fairly well.

You will learn about your own resiliency this month and this year.

You will probably learn how to do things that you have not done for a long time. Like cleaning your own house, perhaps, or cooking your own dinner.

One thing about this test cycle is we learn what we thought we could not do, and if we do, by taking on the tests, it should make us wonder what else we thought we could not do that we can do.


Key Number 5

Though you are not officially in a test cycle, this cycle month’s energy in its restlessness may be a bit difficult for you to navigate.

Normally I would be suggesting that in this cycle month’s energy, they should get out and try new things. Now is a time to be a bit more cautious. So your adventures will have to be minded ventures.

Look at outrageous possibilities for things that you will do when things are back to normal. Create fantasies of trips that you will take in the future. Look at your career life or your family life and see that now you have choices to move in new directions.

Create new plans.


Key Number 6

You are in the perfect cycle month’s energy for sheltering in place. This month, cycle-wise, is a homey vibration. So—it will probably be easier for you than for most people, especially in the first half of the month.

Even though you may not usually be domestic, this is a time when you are likely to find yourself inexorably drawn to the kitchen. Go with it. It’s a good thing.

At the same time, no social life is weird, there will still be opportunities—some of which you will not be able to avoid—to work out issues with family or friends.

Try and be tactful.


Key Number 7

This cycle month’s energy is very much about the inner life.

If you have been practising some yoga or doing meditation exercises, it’s best to continue. This cycle month’s energy allows you to look within and ask the same questions that everyone else is asking: what is my life going to be like from this time forward? How am I going to manage?

Is this a comfort to know that everyone else is asking the same question on some level?

Perhaps not—but—ask anyway.


Key Number 8

Get ready: the energy changes dramatically, especially in the first half of the month. It’s a time to get organized for the next chapter in this strange saga we’re all living. The good news is that you are better equipped under this cycle month’s energy to shift into high gear, especially in career life, but you’re also adaptable to changes in home and private life.

Time to think about how to put the ideas which cropped up during the quarantine into action. This cycle energy allows you to be more confident if you allow yourself to be part of his magic.

Be aware of the needs of people in your family and coworkers. You can be a little like the steamroller in this cycle month’s energy if you’re not careful.


Key Number 9

So this cycle month’s energy for you is very fortunate in a way that it is an ending or completion energy. It’s not news that we’re all at the end of something and needing to adjust to a different reality. You, under this cycle month’s energy, are more in the flow of leaving the past behind and getting ready to adjust to a new future.

Use some of this energy to adjust not only to new financial and practical realities such as taking care of ourselves, but also to let go of habits and ideas that have not served you well in the past.

Pay attention to synchronicities and intuitions.