Your numerology cycles September 1–15


September is always the most interesting and difficult cycle month to write about. It is a turning point in everyone’s cycle, especially in the last couple of weeks of the month.

One of the most interesting aspects though is that whatever cycle energy has ruled the year—in other words, whatever cycle year you have been in, whatever you have been experiencing as your own personal cycle energy—is magnified many times by the magic of the 9th month. It’s not as complicated as it sounds.

This is an intense cycle month for everyone, so work hard on your goals and tread lightly in your personal relationships.


Work out your KEY NUMBER by adding the month and day of your birth together—example—say your birthday is August 25. August is the eighth month, so 8 + the 25th day is 7. When these two are added together you have 8 + 2 + 5 =  6. So in this case the KEY NUMBER for this person is 6, always and forever—at least until the next incarnation.


Key Number 1

Initiate the changes.

Though the advice is still to be very, very careful in the time of COVID, this does not mean that you can’t be radical in what you think and what you create. There is no doubt that this is a restless energy. In normal times, you would be advised to go out and meet new people, see new places and enjoy experimental and exhilarating activities. Not so much now. 

However, it is advised that you take some of this radical restless energy and turn it into creating changes in the way that you approach life. Take some time to complete the final steps involved in any changes or plans that you began earlier in the year. That should keep you busy for a while.

Reach out virtually to new people. Even if you can’t meet in person, there is no reason that you can’t share fun ideas. If you’re thinking of romance and are willing to experiment a bit, meeting online will certainly broaden the field of possibilities.

In all of this, it’s important to keep a sense of proportion in order to make the most of this month’s interesting possibilities and experiences.


Key Number 2

Focus on the domestic front.

Some of the domestic changes initiated earlier this year are likely to take a firm hold in this cycle month’s energy. Don’t be surprised if you feel much freer and more able to do things you want, particularly in regard to your home and family life. 

Changes involving career life may need attention, and it’s important not to ignore them in favour of family issues.

Try not to be too much of a pussycat if you are sometimes afraid to take risks. You may block some changes or expansions in either your domestic or business life. 

Expect to find a great deal of satisfaction in relationship to your family and things that you’re able to achieve for them. 

This is also a romantic cycle and it’s a good time to pay special attention to a spouse, lover or even a special friend. If you have children, be very present for them. 

No matter what else is happening, remember that it’s important to pay attention to your family members and your family obligations, even if you feel that they are a bit overwhelming. 


Key Number 3

Spend some time meditating.

In many ways, this has been a quieter year. Not just because of the virus, but because you are in a year which lends itself to meditation and contemplation. In this cycle month’s energy, it’s a good idea to spend time in research and revaluation. 

This is not a good time for travel, even if travel was originally on your schedule. Instead this is a time for the inner life. 

Things may seem to move slowly, so it is not a time to expect a great deal to happen in the outer world. It’s a time to be patient and wait for developments. 

Watch some of your long-term ventures and interests begin to bud but not yet bloom. Schedule your time by yourself. It is a good idea in this cycle month’s energy to listen to your inner voices. 

Intuition is strong and you would be wise to listen to what it has to say. 

When you’re not studying or meditating, this is a time to enjoy a small circle of friends. Be sure those around you are aware that you may need to be by yourself from time to time. 

There are unusual insights to be gained from quiet times. 


 Key Number 4

Pay attention, this is a time when you can accomplish great deal. 

This is potentially the most powerful energy of the whole year. It’s considered to be a time of harvest. 

You’re likely to have more power, particularly in business affairs, than you’ve had during the last eight months. Remember to make the most of it. 

Many of your ongoing ventures, especially things started or expanded in the last few months, may change. You may have a different idea of how to go forward and it’s important to pay attention to these intuitions. Remember, this cycle month’s energy is considered to be a time of harvest. 

Pay attention to opportunities for growth not only in your spiritual and personal life, but also in career life. If you have been thinking of expanding in any area of your life, this is the time to go forward. 

Keep an eye on your financial picture. It’s possible money may show up from unexpected or untapped resources. Although the financial climate is quite weird for you, in this cycle there may be unexpected or unanticipated opportunities. 

On the personal level, you’re likely to feel quite powerful. If you are working hard, and have worked hard, don’t be surprised if you are recognized for the effort you have put in.

Is very important to take some time to clarify goals for the next year. Be specific. 

This is a time to take action. Focus your energies and push forward on what you want to accomplish in your life spiritually or materially. 


Key Number 5

Significant endings and transitions.

Much of what you began in the last year, and even over the last nine years, should be up for revaluation. In some cases, you will revise your plans—expand others and watch as some come to completion, whether you wish it or not. 

You must take inventory and clear the decks of what has been outgrown in the way of attitudes and even activities. 

This is definitely a month and a year of transition. A time to finish and leave behind anything that has stalled. 

It’s a time to be honest with yourself and let go of outmoded ideas or undesirable people, habits or even ventures. It’s a time to make way for what is new. 

As painful as it may be, it is a time to give up relationships you’ve outgrown or anything that is boring or has lost energy. 


Key Number 6

You will probably feel energetic and assertive.

This may be the most important cycle month for nine years. 

That sounds a little dramatic—not ending dramatic, like last month—but exciting dramatic. 

This cycle month’s energy is a time of progress and new beginnings. Throughout the year it has been important for you to plant new seeds for the future. This is the most intense cycle month energy for planting new seeds that you have experienced for a very long time. 

You will feel more energetic and assertive and you should be ready to lead and be enthusiastic with new ideas and new opportunities. 

Don’t spend a lot of time thinking of the past. Think forward! 

If you just drift, you will regret it. You are stronger and your energy is higher than it has been for quite a while. 

It’s important for you to act on the ideas which have been swimming around in your consciousness for the last few months. 

Develop new ideas as they occur and be open to new opportunities. There is a strong possibility that what you begin in this cycle month’s energy can blossom and bloom. Pay attention to new ideas and examine them carefully.  


Key Number 7

Be calm. This may be a time of quiet waiting.

If you are a patient person this is a time to exercise that gift. If you are not usually patient, this is a time to practice patience. 

Try as much as possible to be calm and stay on an even keel. Allow as much time as it takes for your wishes and plans to mature. Don’t make any drastic changes or sharp adjustments in the direction you’re following. 

Take care of details whenever necessary. In this cycle month’s energy, it is not only a good idea to be quiet but to hide your light. If you’re patient, things will work out in their own time. 

On a brighter note, this cycle month’s energy is very good for forming new friendships or renewing old ones. It’s also an excellent time for partnerships of all kinds including romantic involvements. Don’t push though, let them come to you. 

Tact and diplomacy are absolutely essential under this cycle month’s energy. It’s important to relate to others in the spirit of harmony and cooperation. Be willing to listen to the ideas of others. Remember, being quiet, diplomatic and helpful will pay off in the future. 


Key Number 8

Develop your creative and imaginative talents.

For some, this cycle month’s energy can be extremely creative on the artistic level. If you are not an artist, or don’t realize you are one, remember, this is a time of creative idea producing and problem-solving. 

This is an art in itself.

This can be a cheerful and very optimistic time in your life. It’s usually a time to be very social. In the environment in which we live now, it’s important to keep your social life to a manageable size. Safety is important. 

Romance is in the air, even if it’s virtual air. In this time of great ability to communicate, you may want to experiment with reaching out to others with the thought of developing new and different—but lighter—conversations. 

In all of this, it’s important not to go overboard with frivolous activities. Enjoy the happiness that comes your way, but it’s important not to be too self-indulgent or extravagant. 

Don’t lose sight of your budget. 


Key Number 9

You may be called upon to do more planning than usual.

Planning as precisely as possible is a good idea in this cycle month’s energy—definitely not a time to be sloppy in any way. 

The person who finds their inner perfectionist will be most comfortable in dealing with this cycle month’s energy. You may have noticed it has been a bit testy in the previous months, but this month is the strongest test energy of all. 

Move forward carefully and allow yourself all the time you need to take stock of your situation. 

Moving slowly and taking care of details before you move forward is the best strategy. 

Be prepared to do lots of work. If there are deadlines you must meet, do the work and get it out of the way. 

This is a building energy as well as a test energy. So—think about foundations of any project or idea that you may be developing. Be sure you are solid before you move forward. 

If you spend time planning and building strong foundations in relationships and projects, things will flow more easily in the next few months.