Your numerology cycles: 2021


At the beginning of each new cycle year, instead of the usual monthly forecast, I do a yearly forecast for each of the key numbers.

The new year always brings the excitement and challenges of a brand-new cycle year for everyone. Here we are again, just having stepped over the threshold of 2021 and a brand-new cycle energy to navigate.

Remember: you find your KEY NUMBER by adding the month and day of your birth and simply reducing it to one number.

For example, say your birthday is August 25. August is the eighth month, so 8 + the 25th day is 7. When these two are added together you have 8 + 2 + 5 =  6. So in this case, the KEY NUMBER for this person is 6, always and forever—at least until the next incarnation.

Sometimes people assume the Life Path number is the same as the key number. Please remember that the key number is the key to your present cycle month in this blog. The life path number—some call it the birth path—is arrived at by adding the month, the day, and the year of birth—reducing each part to one digit—adding these numbers together and reducing them to one number. And you have your very own life path number.

You find your key number by simply adding the month and day only, and reducing those to one number. That is your key number.


Key Number 1

Cycles are not tsunamis. We don’t find ourselves overwhelmed by a new cycle year on January 1. The influence of a new cycle year begins to lap at our toes like the tide coming in as early as November of the previous year, so you may not be surprised to notice that in the fall of the year—last year—you began to shift energy a little. 2020 was an erratic cycle for people under the influence of Key Number one. It was the year of unexpected events for not just you, but for all of us experiencing the pandemic. Perhaps the unexpected events were attitudes that developed in the midst of such an unprecedented events.

In this new cycle year for you—Key Number 1 people—the energy is more domestic and relationship oriented.

We are all told to stay home now as much as possible. Since this cycle year for you is about staying home, focusing on your relationships, being a healer, and making your environment comfortable and harmonious, it should be a bit easier for you to keep to that edict.

This cycle year’s energy is meant to be a time of putting others ahead of yourself. It is a time to be in service to others. This does not mean that you will not have some emotional tests especially in the romantic and relationship area.

Sometimes this cycle month’s energy determines that we change our home environment. Either we move homes, there is a change in the way the family is configured, we might add someone to the environment, or, for some there can be an absence—sometimes unexpected of a loved one. Or perhaps one not so loved.

Whatever happens, this is a time to focus on personal life and home life.

Another aspect of this cycle year’s energy is the creative. Look to the creative side of your nature and see if there is anything there which wants to be expressed.

However this cycle year manifests for you, it is best to do your best to be there for others. This is where you are likely to find the most satisfaction.


Key Number 2

Don’t forget to calculate your own key number. 

One of my favourite numerologists and one of the earliest to write about numerology, Florence Campbell, comes up with my favourite description of the energy of your cycle year. She begins by saying of the cycle year you will be inhabiting this year, “This is the year for the spiritual hen to sit upon her nest.”

I always really enjoy reading and writing about the cycle year you will be inhabiting this year. And when it comes my turn to be in this cycle energy, I really enjoy it.

This cycle year’s energy is not difficult in the midst of the pandemic. It is a time when it is advised that you plan to spend as much time as possible in reevaluation and contemplation. These are things that are best done alone. It’s also an excellent time to think about your own gifts and whether you are using them to their full capacity or not.

This can be a good time career-wise if you don’t push.

I think this is a lovely cycle month energy. There is a peace about it; a time for reflection, and a time to pay special attention to your intuition and explore the spiritual and psychological subjects.

The energy of this cycle year is a bit eccentric. You may find yourself discovering interests that you had not pursued in the past, but that are very interesting.

Last year, one of my clients called me out of the blue and said, “I don’t know what’s happening to me. Suddenly I want to be out in nature.” It was surprising, since this client was very much a social butterfly. When I calculated her cycle year and explained that I felt it was natural for her to be tuning into this lovely energy, she was quite happy.


Key Number 3

You may feel you are getting off to a bit of a slow start on some levels in this cycle year’s energy. Normally, this is considered to be a year of you being in your power. It is a time when you can make great strides forward in career life, but also in all aspects of life where you are able to make things happen.

If you watch carefully, you will see much of what you have been working on throughout the last eight years coming to fruition.

My dear friend Florence Campbell says in her book, “Through work, effort and activity, you put yourself under the law of compensation and should now see much of the fruit of your planting.”

Florence wrote all this in 1931. In everyday language, she means watch for the results—especially karmic results of what you have created in your life for the last eight years.

Luck is on your side in this cycle year. You are more likely to be optimistic and, even in spite of the present situation, you may come up with ideas and projects that push you forward. Even if you’re not pushing in the outer world, you are likely to feel more confident in whatever world you find yourself.

Gather all your forces together and plan, think and act. Be confident enough to think that if you are in the right state of mind, things are likely to come to you and work for you.

Another aspect of the cycle you are in this year is justice. If you are looking for justice from another situation, or if you find yourself in a situation where you can be just in the way you treat others, it will be important for you to fall on the side of justice.

This is a good year for you. Power is in the air.


Key Number 4

This is an emotional year for you. You may find yourself being or feeling more compassionate than usual. Caring for others and giving advice where it is needed will be second nature.

It’s also a time to complete or tie up the loose ends of the past: things that have been hanging in the balance, or that you have just ignored, need to be finished now. This is the dramatic end of a nine year cycle. Whether you decide to tie up loose ends and complete issues in your life, the energy of the cycle will force you.

Relationships that have been complicated will be up for reevaluation. If they don’t have long-term value or a future, this is the time when they must be completed. This is not to say that they cannot be re-created next year or sometime in the future, but if this is meant to happen, it will be important for them to start off on a totally different footing. In other words, they must be new.

This is also a loving energy. You may find you have more attachments than you were aware of. Also, you may become quite popular. This is a friendship year and that will give you the opportunity to take inventory and decide who and what to keep, and what to let go of.

You are in process of completion. Getting ready for a new beginning next year.

This is a great time to cultivate the creative arts: writing, painting, website creation. Be prepared for a few bumps in the road. Some of your old stumbling blocks will probably pop up in your life. This is a time to take a good look at them and decide whether this is a pattern. If it is, it’s a time to let go.


Key Number 5

In many ways, this is the most important year in your cycle pattern. You might want to go back and look at what was happening in your life in 2012, as 2012 was the last time you experienced this cycle energy. If you look closely, you will see it was the beginning of a pattern which lasted nine years.

Planting seeds for the future is the way numerologists look at it. I like to say, “Every thought, word and deed is a seed for the future in a one cycle year.” So, being very conscious of what you say and do, and how you create your relationships with people and work, is so important.

Work very hard on your own individuality. Be definite about what you want to create in your life and bring a sense of purpose to everything you do. Don’t be influenced by other people: be independent and keep your own counsel. However, in this case, make sure you’re on the right path before you fall into being overly determined or stubborn.

This is one year when it’s quite important for you to hold fast to what you want to do, and not be too influenced by the thoughts and opinions of other people. Instead, hold a listening ear to your own intuition.

Go back over the last few years and make the changes that you were thinking of making but were procrastinating over. This is a new path for you—the beginning of a new way of travelling on your path. Change is in the air whether you like it or not. This is your opportunity to go with that change, and you have the power to do it.

Remember to hold a picture of the things that you want to do and who you want to be at the end of these nine years.

This is a planting time. Remember to plant good seeds because whatever you plant now, you will reap later. Don’t procrastinate.


Key Number 6

This cycle year is very social. How to be social in the pandemic? Of course, the answer lies in virtual communication. Reach out to others in a friendly way. Strengthen your friendships.

Look at the thoughts and ambitions that you had for last year and see them as seeds. Water and nourish them on a daily basis. In this cycle year’s energy, germination is happening, so you need to be patient. We don’t always see the results of planting until the little greens things poke through the earth. Be patient.

This cycle year’s energy is not so much a time of making things happen as it is waiting for things to happen. Not so much a time for action as attraction. You are more likely to achieve your goals if you wait and be ready for accumulation.

This cycle year is a very good time for doing research, especially in the interests that you want to push forward for the next eight years. Plan to work with others instead of trying to go along and be cooperative. Keep calm cool and pleasant.

Don’t forget to keep your goals in mind and pay attention to what you might need to help you reach them.

This is a time when new things are more likely to drop into your lap if you don’t push. Remember, this is a time when you may have a great deal of influence on other people. You are still forming the foundation of the next few years.

Be sure the foundation is built with good strong materials.

Listen to your intuition.


Key Number 7

This cycle year’s energy would normally be the time to party. Of course that’s not possible this year, at least until vaccinations are universal. Luckily, it is a time when you have access to great creativity, so finding a way to be social—whether on social media or through virtual visits—will be your challenge.

This is a year to cultivate friendships, whether old friends or new ones. Plan to think about new and creative ways of connecting with others. In most cases, you will feel optimistic. Of course, that’s not always possible especially under present conditions, but this is a time in which it’s important for you to fake it ‘til you make it.

There is a tendency in this cycle year’s energy to scatter your energy and therefore not accomplish what you are intending. Don’t start too many things at the same time. It’s a good idea to finish one thing before you start another.

Try your best to be happy, but don’t be foolish. It’s important to hold fast to the intentions that you created for yourself. Remember that you have more access to creativity now than you have had for some time.

Having said a great deal about the positive side of this cycle year’s energy, the opposite is gloom.

If you do have a tendency to be or to feel a bit depressed, it may pop up for you in this cycle month’s energy. Don’t forget that there is also a tremendous amount of creativity available so use it. If you have not tried journaling, that may be a time to give it a try.

I had a writing teacher once who was fond of saying “vomit onto the page.” Sounds a bit vulgar and messy, but if you get your negative feelings out of your head and onto a journal page you may be surprised at how much better you feel.

Put some energy into making someone who is having a hard time in their life a little happier.


Key Number 8

This cycle year, it’s a good idea to hit the ground running. You may find that it’s impossible to escape duties. No point in being lazy, because if you don’t take care of what needs to be done it will come back and bite you when you least expect it.

This is a time to work.

Keep your computer humming, keep the kitchen tidy, and finish up any projects that you have been working on.

This cycle year is a year for building. Whether you do it physically or mentally, it’s important to work on foundations. Be practical: test everything you do for practicality before you finish it and go back and check when it’s done to make sure that it is stable and has a good foundation.

Go back and look at past mistakes and figure out what caused you to react that way, and what kind of emotional reaction you need to practice in order to avoid them in the future.

As I said, this is a building year, but before you begin building, work out all the details of the projects that you have been turning over in your mind. Be realistic about finding the weak places and put whatever action into place you need in order to avoid a collapse.

This is a time when it is important to cross the T’s and dot the I’s.

If you are sloppy, you will pay huge price.

This is a very physical year, so pay attention to your physical health, but also remember to pay attention to your appearance.


Key Number 9 

This year may be a bit tricky for you given the restrictions we’re living under. Normally it’s a time for adventure and feeling free, so in this cycle year’s energy, you are going to find your adventures within. All your opportunities will be found outside your normal or ordinary way of thinking.

Let go of old things and make room for new ones. Be happy when you’re presented with new situations—it will help your brain to exercise by finding new solutions.

This is a year for progress. If you have a business or venture or even an idea that you’ve been working on, this is a time to find a new angle or new way of looking at it.

Do what you can to get yourself out there in front of new people.

This is a difficult cycle energy to be in during our present restrictions, but don’t let the prevailing atmosphere of restlessness cause you to be reckless.

Try not to scatter your energy: let your adaptability keep the balance between creativity and explosion.

Do a variety of things that are outside your usual way of responding. You may find it quite refreshing.

One note though—this is not a time to take physical risks. Not even in the kitchen. Taking shortcuts recklessly can be very dangerous and you may pay a high price in the future.