Your numerology cycles November 16–30

Key Number 1
Listen to your intuition.
There are certain cycle months when intuition is sharper. This is one.
Most of the energy of this cycle month is focused within, so it is natural that you may find, while looking within, aspects of yourself that you have not accessed for a long time.
In case you haven’t noticed, this is not a social time. Of course, in these strange times, many have been forced to get in touch with their own inner lives in order to adjust to present conditions.
Introspection is not a bad thing. In fact, taking time to get to know what you really think about life can be very beneficial. Sometimes we forget to do this in our fast-paced lives.
If you do make time to use your intuitive abilities during this cycle month, you may find that it is a gift which sticks. Intuition is a great gift. For the most part we do not trust our intuitive voices, but when we do, we begin to realize it is always there for us if we only acknowledge it.
In this cycle month’s energy, we can sometimes be misunderstood by the people close to us. It’s not a bad idea to let people know that you may be a bit preoccupied or even a little cranky.
This is not a time to be a pleaser.
If you are brave enough to put yourself first and examine not only your gifts but also your real desires, this cycle month can be a watershed.
Key Number 2
Emphasize your independence.
This cycle energy is one in which you may feel stronger than you have for quite a while.
Because of this, demonstrating your independence especially through your individualistic way of handling things can give you an emotional boost.
Make the most of your strengths. If you allow the strength of the cycle to flow through you, you can make gains in many aspects of your life, including career.
Watch for new opportunities. You continue to reap the fruit of seeds—positive seeds—that were planted many months ago. These seeds may result in opportunities of all kinds, material and emotional, manifesting in your life.
This is also a good time to network and make connections.
With all this confidence, it’s a good idea to remember to take the needs of others into account. Be careful not to appear to self-centred. Others may back away, not understanding that you are experiencing an energetic and confident cycle.
Key Number 3
Keep your cool.
As much as possible, keep your feelings under control. This is the energy of the humanitarian, so try to avoid any tendencies towards selfishness.
If you keep a cool head and handle matters sensibly, you will be rewarded with lots of love and emotional support.
Your charisma may draw new involvements into your life. Best to avoid these if you can. Make sure you want to become involved in any new relationship before you let it go too far.
Try to be as sensitive, tactful and compassionate as you can throughout the month.
Maintain your close ties with your family and friends. It is wise to have them in your life when you need emotional support in these tricky times.
The energy of the cycle month usually brings some stress. Take good care of your health.
Key Number 4
Be open to exciting change and new beginnings.
Anything you are brave enough to begin now, or expand, will have significant effects on your experience in this next year.
As the year comes to a close—this most difficult of all years for most of us—it will be ideal if you can let go as much as is humanly possible to anything negative that has to do with your past life.
Take advantage of new situations as they emerge.
Bring your leadership ability to the forefront. If you don’t think you have any, you may be surprised. Especially now, when your strong personality is more evident than it has been for a long time.
This is not a time to procrastinate. Any ideas or goals that you have been sitting on should be brought out and at least examined under this cycle month’s energy.
You are more likely to be satisfied with your life experiences if you can find your inner leader and be assertive.
Key Number 5
Be the soul of harmony and cooperation.
In this cycle month’s energy, it’s important for you to be the diplomat. When relating to others, it’s important to be especially tactful.
You may experience some heightened emotions and you will probably feel very sensitive.
It may seem that those around you are experiencing anxiety and perhaps a little crankiness.
Try not to take everything personally and don’t make a mountain out of a mole hill.
You may feel a little less energetic than normal, but that is normal in this cycle energy.
Key Number 6
Create a cheerful environment.
Working at making your home/work environment comfortable and cheerful—as much as possible—is a good way of expressing your creativity.
This cycle month’s energy is very much about communication, so communicate as much as possible. Reach out to people virtually and start conversations.
Many under this cycle month’ s energy will benefit from working with writing.
Even if you’re not usually enthusiastic about expressing yourself in the written word, a little journaling may be a very healing thing.
Stay away from gossip. It can be very entertaining and there may be more of a tendency to lean in that direction now than there is at other times in your life. However, strong as a temptation may be, gossip is bad for your soul. Remember: once a word, a sentence, or an idea has been given form in speech or writing, it’s very hard to take it back.
Be careful how you express your feelings. Be as honest and open as you can.
You may feel in your tendency to communicate that perhaps you should get your two cents worth in. Be careful not to do this too often. Emphasize your optimism and enthusiasm along with your ability to bring people together.
Key Number 7
Don’t depend on luck.
This is one of those very grounded cycle months. It’s important to get in there and get your hands dirty and make things happen—but modestly.
Don’t depend on luck or dreams, as this is a very earth energy. The best way to be comfortable under this cycle month’s energy is to just work hard, do the job, and don’t evade responsibilities.
You may feel a little cranky and restricted. It’s normal for this month. Change your point of view and look at what must be done.
If you can, get out and walk. Taking care of your physical health under this cycle month’s energy is highly recommended.
You may feel more serious than usual during this time, so it’s important to give yourself a bit of time for relaxation.
Key Number 8
Haste makes waste.
This is a very old saying, but basically it means it is better to slow down and do things properly than it is to rush through. This cycle month’s energy can tempt you to be a whirling dervish.
You may find it difficult to focus your energy in constructive areas. Restlessness is the enemy of contentment, and restlessness may raise its ugly head under this cycle month’s energy.
The way to deal with this, with all the temptation, is to break away and to use your intuition and creative energy to create something totally different than your usual patterns.
Travelling is out of the question for most of us at this time, but adding variety to our routine is not. Pay attention to new ideas which crop up. This is a time for thinking outside the box.
Use your creativity in whatever comes to hand.
Don’t forget that cooking is one of the most creative arts. But if you’ve ever wanted to draw, or paint or do any other creative hobby, this may be the time to take an online course.
Don’t allow yourself to be bored.
Key Number 9
Keep your family and friends as your main focus.
Home is also important—the actual physical place. In this cycle month’s energy, it’s important to remember that if you create a comfortable environment for yourself and loved ones, you are more likely to find yourself in a harmonious place emotionally.
If you are in a relationship, this is a good time to enrich your commitment. If you have not been speaking your feelings, this may be a time to make them more apparent.
This cycle month’s energy is very much about your relationships with people on all levels. If you can take time to listen to the problems of others, it will make you more appreciative of your own life.
When you create an atmosphere of peace and harmony around you, you are more likely to draw appreciation for your efforts.
Be a listener where a listener is needed.