Life Paths
Your numerology cycles: 2021
At the beginning of each new cycle year, instead of the usual monthly forecast, I do a yearly forecast for each of the key numbers.
The new year always brings the excitement and challenges of a brand-new cycle year for everyone. Here we are again, just having stepped over the threshold of 2021 and a brand-new cycle energy to navigate.
Your numerology cycles December 16–31
Key Number 1
Keep a clear view of the positives you have created.
Happy holidays! In this strange time, it’s difficult to know whether it is even appropriate to say happy holidays. Fortunately, you are in a very strong energy: a harvest cycle energy in this the last month of the year.
For you, energy and power (especially emotional power) are more likely to be available than for others.
January 1, 2021 brings a new and more manageable energy into your life.
Your numerology cycles December 1–15
This has been a test cycle year for the world. The holidays this year will be a little different, certainly a bit of a test of our collective flexibility. The universal year has not been as truly a test year since 1919.
The next cycle year for the world is one which is called “the year of unexpected events”—these events can be positive and surprising.
Key Number 1
Your numerology cycles November 16–30

Your numerology cycles November 1–15
This November has a different energy than most Novembers. Still, it is a time when home and security are important. It is darker earlier now, and this may put more of a strain on anyone of us who are finding this pandemic difficult.
It’s important to reach out, wherever we can, to help those around us to deal with this unprecedented event.
From a numerological perspective, November is interesting because it moves us all closer to our next cycle year.
Your numerology cycles October 1-15, 2020
There are two months (cycle months) that I find particularly interesting from a numerologist point of view.
The first is September, which is the most intense month in the cycle year. It is the same cycle month and is the cycle year you have been inhabiting since January.
The second most exciting cycle month, for me at least, is October.
Your numerology cycles September 16–30

Your numerology cycles September 1–15
September is always the most interesting and difficult cycle month to write about. It is a turning point in everyone’s cycle, especially in the last couple of weeks of the month.
Your numerology cycle August 16–31
Work out your KEY NUMBER by adding the month and day of your birth together—example—say your birthday is August 25. August is the eighth month, so 8 + the 25th day is 7. When these two are added together you have 8 + 2 + 5 = 6. So in this case the KEY NUMBER for this person is 6, always and forever—at least until the next incarnation.
Key Number 1
Try being cheerful.
Your numerology cycles August 1–15
While I was talking with a friend recently about the novelty and problems related to living in a time of COVID, we agreed that not since the Second World War has the world faced a time when so many humans were faced with the possibility of sickness and death.